2021知到答案 旅游目的地管理 智慧树网课章节测试答案

第一章 章节测试

1、选择题:Why is good customer service especially important for a small CVB?
A:CVBs with excellent customer service tend to attract better employees.
B:Smaller CVBs must maintain higher standards than larger bureaus.
C:Offering superior service for the same price as larger competitors gives it an advantage.
D:Smaller CVBs must work harder to prove their worth to the community.
答案: 【Offering superior service for the same price as larger competitors gives it an advantage.
2、选择题:Which of the following CVB services would probably be of least interest to meeting planners?
A:Identifying community facilities that are bus-friendly
B:Providing staff to work conference registration
C:Referring meeting planners to local services such as florists, caterers, or professional speakers
D:Acting as a reservation agent for conference participants
答案: 【Identifying community facilities that are bus-friendly
3、选择题:In what way are motor coach groups different from meeting or convention groups?
A:Motor coach group participants tend to come from farther away.
B:Motor coach group participants are much younger.
C:Motor coach groups are much larger and arrive at the destination by plane.
D:Motor coach groups are smaller and go to a destination for sightseeing.
答案: 【Motor coach groups are smaller and go to a destination for sightseeing.
4、选择题:Why is a CVB in the best position to handle arrangements for local government officials to appear at conference welcome events?
A:Local government officials may also be CVB board members.
B:The CVB is likely to have contributed to the officials’ campaigns at one time or another.
C:The CVB knows which officials have the most time for public appearances.
D:The CVB should already have a good working relationship with local government entities.
答案: 【The CVB should already have a good working relationship with local government entities.
5、选择题:Lead generation is an expensive venture for a CVB because:
A:clients charge fees when potential customers are sent to them.
B:the bills generated by long-distance phone calls are high.
C:of the extensive staff time required.
D:advertising expenses are high.
答案: 【of the extensive staff time required.

第二章 章节测试

1、选择题:What is prospecting?
A:Searching for CVB funding sources
B:Networking and meeting with potential clients
C:Using Internet marketing to attract new clients
D:Finding new potential members for a CVB
答案: 【Networking and meeting with potential clients
2、选择题:Which of the following is one of the three main questions when qualifying a prospect?
A:Does a need exist that the destination can satisfy?
B:Does the destination have enough hotel rooms to satisfy the prospect’s requirements?
C:How much revenue will the potential event bring to the destination?
D:What kind of leisure activities will the event’s attendees want?
答案: 【Does a need exist that the destination can satisfy?
3、选择题:How is asking a prospect to rank his or her needs in order of importance helpful to a CVB salesperson?
A:It allows the salesperson to help the prospect decide which destination venues would be best for the event.
B:The list can help the salesperson to decide whether the destination is a good fit for the prospect.
C:The prospect may think of more questions to ask during the process.
D:It gives the salesperson the order in which to sell the destination’s strengths.
答案: 【It gives the salesperson the order in which to sell the destination’s strengths.
4、选择题:A customer’s doubts that must be overcome during the sales process are called typically called:
答案: 【Liabilities.
5、选择题:An objection that deals with something a destination cannot provide is called a:
C:Physical objection.
答案: 【Liability.

第三章 章节测试

1、选择题:  A consolidated approach to destination marketing is beneficial to tourism businesses because:
A: pooling resources gives businesses greater buying power than they would have on their own.
B: larger marketing campaigns always yield better results.
C: it is better to concentrate marketing efforts on just one type of media.
D: it allows businesses to cut corners.
答案: 【 pooling resources gives businesses greater buying power than they would have on their own.
2、选择题:What is the first step in devising a brand for a destination?
A: Come up with a catchy slogan.
B: Craft a positioning statement.
C: Create a logo.
D: Define the destination’s selling points.
答案: 【 Define the destination’s selling points.】[$]
3、选择题: What is the third step in the AIDA cycle?
A: decision
B: determination
C: desire
D: destination
答案: 【 desire
4、选择题: Which of the following guidelines is important to remember for collateral development?
A: Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
Use line art whenever possible.
B: Less is more.
C: Keep it simple.
D: Put the customer in the product.
答案: 【 Put the customer in the product.
5、选择题:Branding is a collection of ________ in the mind of visitors.
A: feedback
B: perceptions
C: images
D: motivations
答案: 【 perceptions

第四章 章节测试

1、选择题:In which stage of the product life cycle are distribution channels added as demand for a product increases?
答案: 【Growth
2、选择题:What benefit does participating in a community visioning process have for CVBs?
A:The process gives CVBs greater direct control over the products it is expected to sell.
B:The process helps the CVB to set its budget for the next year.
C:The process helps the CVB raise awareness of the value of tourism to the community.
D:CVBs recruit new employees from the process.
答案: 【The process helps the CVB raise awareness of the value of tourism to the community.
3、选择题:A product can experience rebirth instead of decline if the firm:
A:recreates the product by adding new features or using innovative marketing.
B:allows another company to take over the marketing of the product.
C:sells the product for an extremely low price.
D:significantly increases the advertising budget for the product.
答案: 【recreates the product by adding new features or using innovative marketing.
4、选择题:The CVB product marketing dilemma is:
A:Accountability without authority.
B:Destination development.
D:Private-sector competition.
答案: 【Accountability without authority.
5、选择题:Over which of the traditional four Ps of marketing do CVBs usually have some control?
答案: 【Promotion

第五章 章节测试

1、选择题:An activity refers to the physical action taken by the CVB functional area. It helps the CVB and its staff to know whether the activity taken reaches its goal.
答案: 【
2、选择题:What are the two fundamental topics CVBs deal with in the research process?
A:visitor studies and convention studies
B:visitor profiles and image studies
C:performance indicators and performance measures
D:destination research and CVB accountability research
答案: 【destination research and CVB accountability research
3、选择题: Which is not included in direct data?
A:jobs produce
B:economic multiplier
D:visitor spending
答案: 【economic multiplier
4、选择题: CVB Performance Reporting process includes the following three functional areas:
A: convention sales
B: operational definitions and measures
C: marketing and communication
D: travel trade sales
答案: 【 convention sales;
marketing and communication;
travel trade sales

5、选择题: Marketing productivity is measured through the number of visitors.
答案: 【

第六章 章节测试

1、选择题:Which of the following is an element of a communications plan?
A:Television interviews
D:Press releases
答案: 【Strategy
2、选择题:News releases are written in which format?
C:Inverted pyramid
答案: 【Inverted pyramid
3、选择题:An important question to ask when planning an individual journalist visit to a destination is:
A:What kind of rental car would the journalist prefer?
B:What is the journalist’s favorite restaurant?
C:What is the story angle the journalist is pursuing?
D:Will the trip be fully escorted, or will the journalist be on his or her own for part of the trip?
答案: 【What is the story angle the journalist is pursuing?
4、选择题:Which of the following people would be the likeliest choice for a spokesperson for a CVB?
A:A local celebrity
B:A customer service representative
C:Its director of marketing and sales
D:One of its telephone operators
答案: 【Its director of marketing and sales
5、选择题:A review of strengths and weaknesses and a competitive analysis is which part of an organization’s communications plan?
A:Mission or purpose
B:Target audience
答案: 【Situation

第七章 章节测试

1、选择题:Which of the following is one of the operational functions of human resources management?
A:Organizational design
B:Administration of compensation and benefits
C:Recruiting design
D:Training and development in terms of personal and professional growth
答案: 【Administration of compensation and benefits
2、选择题:Which of the following is one of the strategic functions of human resources management?
A:organizational design and succession planning
C:administration of compensation and benefits
D:employee relations
答案: 【organizational design and succession planning
3、选择题:What is the fundamental question of the planning process?
A:What is the organization’s ideal profit margin?
B:What does the organization have to offer the public?
C:What is the organization meant to achieve, and how will it do that?
D:What does the organization want from its employees?
答案: 【What is the organization meant to achieve, and how will it do that?
4、选择题:Organizations that strive for continuous and never-ending improvement do which of the following?
A:Make radical changes in the way business is conducted.
B:Set lofty goals.
C:Constantly ask questions.
D:Set strict requirements for employees.
答案: 【Constantly ask questions.
5、选择题:Which of the following descriptions about personal and professional development are true?
A:It is the development of employee knowledge, and related attributes.
B:It is the development of employee competencies, skills and talents.
C:It is a systematic approach for employees to grow and develop.
答案: 【It is a systematic approach for employees to grow and develop.

第八章 章节测试

1、选择题: Tourism destinations in every corner of the globe have the tendency to experience a disaster of one form or another at certain point in their history.
答案: 【
2、选择题: What are the common principles in crisis management?
A: Collaboration
B: Commitment
C: Communication
D: Coordination
答案: 【 Collaboration;

3、选择题: Which of the following is not included in the pre-planning phase?
A: to establish a communication center
B: to set up communication channels
C: to establish a crisis management team
D: to develop a crisis management plan
答案: 【 to establish a communication center
4、选择题: What is the first phase of WCTC responses to 9/11 attacks?
A: no involvement
B: well prepared
C: not prepared, not properly staffed
D: active involvement
答案: 【 not prepared, not properly staffed
5、选择题:How many stage(s) does WCTC’s post-terrorist attack marketing campaign include?
A: one
B: three
C: four
D: two
答案: 【 two】[/$]

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